Hello, I'm a full-stack & systems developer based in Qatar.

Mohammed Al-Jawaheri

Digital scholar ( Developer, Academic, Hobbyist )

Teaching Assistant @ CMU-Q

mjawaheri02 <AT> gmail <DOT> com
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About me

I am a freelancer, Teaching Assistant and researcher @Carnegiemellon University. I have a passion for all things systems: Operating systems, Database systems, Compiler development and Distributed systems with a special affinity for open-source software.


2021Worked on NS3 network simulations for University research projects.
2023Graduated from Carnegiemellon University with a Bsc in Computer Science & a Concentration in Computer Systems
Full-Time Teaching Assistant @Carnegiemellon University in Qatar
2024Intern w/ Nvidia mentors for Openstack's Swift


I love playing amateur & watching (not amateur) tennis. Love food, fitness, and family.